Friday, December 21, 2012

An Afternoon With Jermaine Jackson

Hey Y'all!

Today was one of those days I just can't explain. I mean I don't know what happened. I was just sitting and working on my novel and got to thinking about one of my characters owning a Jermaine Jackson single--for a battle later in the story, it's a long story. Anyway, I just knew I didn't want the single to be Let's Get Serious because I was fairly sick of hearing that song. It's like Jermaine's Billie Jean with none of the fancy footwork. So I pulled up his discography on wikipedia. And first of all I was stunned that he had released 13 studio albums because I thought he hadn't recorded anything since LGS--seriously. He's definitely flown under my radar. Crazy thing is, I'm in a couple of Jermaine fanclubs. Did anyone say shit? Nope.
So I started sifted through the singles and I noticed a song I had heard, live, before: Tell Me I'm Not Dreaming.

I heard Jermaine sing it on the bootleg Victory concert from Dallas DVD I own.

I hunted down the album track on Youtube and it kind of mushroomed from there.
I listened to about five or six of his songs--including Do What You Do, that I had heard and liked, but never realized was sung by him!
And now, I'm a wee bit conflicted, because I've spent the greater part of my fandom of Michael making fun of Jermaine at will. I mean it comes as naturally as breathing to me and most of the fanbase.
It's just kind of funny to me, because Jermaine can sing, rather well, and I never noticed it. Especially in the Dallas concert because I was like filing my nails and and whining for Michael to come back onscreen during his medley.
It's a shock that's all.
But yeah, I like the man's voice. I still DO think he's a bit arrogant and narcissistic, but his music is good.
Although, I am still questioning Dynamite.

The man is staging a jailbreak in this get up. They had no choice but to catch his greasy, sweaty ass wearing highlighter orange! Good song though.

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