Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Marlon Jackson--the Panther!

Hey Y'all!

These damn Jacksons!
Man, I am telling you, I don't know what it is with me. I love Michael, that literally goes without saying, but over the years, I've found that I'v e had a crush on almost all of Michael's brothers, even Jermaine, at some point in time. But I notice that I keep coming back to Marlon.

Now yes, I realize he's 54 years old. And yes, his three kids are all OLDER than me. And YES, he's been married longer than I've been alive.
I se that and I totally get it.

But damnit, he's still so cute!
Before I was 12, I didn't even know Marlon existed. Like I didn't know Michael Jackson had brothers or anything about the Jackson 5 really.
Then I rented "Michael Jackson: The Legend Continues" and there was a very short segment where Marlon was speaking and I remember I was floored.

That was my expression wh en I saw him. Looking very similar to the Thriller MJ--the doc was made in the 80s--but not quite with his mustache and fuller lips.

I've always been a lips girl and I loved Marlon's big lips and smile. He was charming and I liked how funny he was. Michael always came across as so shy and Marlon seemed the opposite. And through Michael, I learned more about Marlon and how cool he was.
Around the same time Michael's Bad album dropped, Marlon dropped his only solo album to date--Baby Tonight.
Now for years I hadheard stories that the album was awful that Marlon couldn't sing or dance and was a shell and imitaiton of his brother. I had even heard that Latoya laughed at it the first time she heard the record.
All sorts of things. So when I had the chance to actually listen to Marlon I kind of feared the worst.


Marlon's sound was of the era, dance-pop/R&B with a nuance of New Jack Swing. I really liked it and right now I'm in negotiations to get a copy of the album for myself.
Then I looked into his performances. His style of dance is different from Michael and I like that. To see something different. Marlon won't be moonwalking anytime soon and I like that.
He's his own talent. Great singing, great dancing. He's aged very well.

He looks ten years younger than his true age to me. And he's always so happy looking and smiling. I like that.
So many stars now are sullen and mean looking.
Marlon seems to stay pleasant to me.

I really have nothing but nice things to say about him.
I just really like him and finding perfomances by him and with the Jacksons. He's enjoyable to me, and I wish he could get more recognition besides being Michael's big brother.

My friends and I playfully call Marlon a panther--the male equivalent of a cougar--because well he kind of it.

He's "older" he's very good looking and magnetic.

And really ALL men should be like that.
I just wanted to say.

Monday, December 26, 2011

My Christmas...

Hey Y'all!

I hope you all had a better Christmas than I did because it was a complete disaster here and I really hated it. Everything went wrong from the meal to the gifts and everything.

I'm so glad it's all over. And next year, I'm gonna spend all my money on MJ like I should have done.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sexy MJ Pictures--THRILLER!

Hey Y'all!

In an earlier post, I showed off some of the pictures of MJ from the HIStory era that I thought were smoking hot. And now I'm back with some from an earlier time--THRILLER!

Now Thriller, unfortunately, was a little before my time, but as a Michael Jackson fan, I have a deep love and appreciation for the album, though BAD is my fave MJ album. And as an 80s fanatic, I loved the style and how cute Michael looked and just used to dream of him as a kid. He was so beautiful. The only thing I hate is that people think Michael looked ugly as he got older and his appearance changed and I DON'T. I love and adore Michael at all aspects of his life, from when he was a kid, to an acne-riddled teen to a grown man. Okay, enough chit-chat. I'll make with the pictures.

ThrillerEraGroupZZ (95).jpg

I'd have to be a damned fool to not include a picture of Michael from when he won he record breaking EIGHT grammy awards in 1984, Before MJ, I never knew what a Grammy was. And now, well with him gone, I don't care about the show either. But for 16 years in the middle, I cared and always cheered when he won, one. This outfit is stunning and the colors are so complimentary to Michael. It is teal, and I don't see Michael in teal often. He also wore this jacket to the White House to meet Ronald Reagan the same year.


Michael at the 1984 American Music Awards. This look is so special because it's one of the rare times you see Michael with BLACK glove instead of a white one. I heard he had a bunch of different colored gloves made up, but ultimately settled on the white one that's synonymous with his Billie Jean performance.

I am obsessed with this jacket. Hands down one of my top Michael Jackson looks in his LIFETIME. I remember my jaw just hanging in awe when I first saw this jacket. And it is the only piece of Michael Jackson owned memorobilia that I actually tried to buy when it went to auction. The jacket was 12 thousand dollars and I literally scrambled trying to find things to pawn and sell. If my father had let me see his damn car....I might own that coat. But I love it for how intricate it is. Michael always seemed to wear works of art. And that piece is a 50 pound jacket, nearly half Michael total body weight.
So sexy I could scream!

This is actually on the inside of the gatefold Thriller album and I really think it should have been the cover. It just smolders with sexuality and the innocence that was Michael Jackson at the age of 23. Travolta may have started the white suit, but Michael made it something special.

It;s remarkable to me how Michael's most iconic look--the Billie Jean ensemble--was basically made of a bunch of recycled garments. His sequinned jacket belonged to his mother, his shiny shirt had been worn in 1981 on a special with Diana Ross. The glove had debuted on the 1981 Triumph tour, along with the socks I beleive and who knew how old the loafers were.  But it all combined together to look perfect and gorgeous and I swear when I first saw it I thought it was all brand new. And it kinda was. And it was just a watershed moment in human history. A star was created.
Michael Jackson.

Well, that's enough for now...more next time! LOL!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Four Years in a Cage!

Hey Y'all!


I have to say, today was a very good one for me. Today, that scoundrel that murdered Michael Jackson, Conrad Murray, was sentenced to four years in jail with NO possibility of parole.
And I have to admit, for lack of a better term, I cried like a punk bitch when I heard the judge say it. A part of me didn’t expect it because of all the hoopla involved. And it was it a grand, great relief to me when Judge Pastor basically scolded Murray like a child and then threw the book at him.
I wanted to sprout wings and fly around the damn room. I am well aware that it doesn’t bring Michael Jackson back. But it does offer me and the other legions of fans closure in this dark chapter of MJ fan-dom.
I only hope that at some point, Murray kicks his ass kicked by a fellow inmate or something. Because as immoral as he is, it’s amazing he’s fit to be alive. He was greedy, a liar and went against his better judgment--if he ever possessed it-- to line his pockets with green.
Only bad things come to people like that and I sincerely hope that Conrad Robert Murray gets his. I’m glad that he’s ruined and cannot harm another human being by passing himself off as a competent doctor. All he does is play a doctor on TV. And poorly at that.
I watched that damned, emotionless son of a b**** sit and do nothing but stare and cast the blame on everyone else but himself.
He even had the nerve to blame Michael, the victim in all this. A dead man who’s little blue and cold body in a tomb in California. A man who can’t come and defend himself against that ape-looking liar.
If you ask me, jail is too good for Murray.
He should have gotten the electric chair. Maybe 200 thousand volts going through his lanky ass would wipe that sorrowful, faux-remorse look off his damn face.
I hate him, and I’m so glad, for Michael’s sake he got the maximum. Four years is still too short, but to know he’s in ruins at the old ass age of 58 and forever branded as “MICHAEL JACKSON’S KILLER” will be a fate worse than hell in my opinion because Michael fans are everywhere and they all know his face.
I hope one day Murray does get remorseful about what he’s done and I hope it eats him ALIVE.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Turkey Day!

Okay Y'all!

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and unless you're camped out at the mall for Black Friday sales, you will be partaking of the dinner with your family.
And that is exactly what I'm doing. I am going down to New Iberia, LA, to visit the cousins on my father's side of the family, since I CANNOT STAND the ones on my mother's side. (long story)
Anyway, all of us are getting together and cooking. I plan to cook quite a bit, with a ham, a string bean casserole and some cabbage with bacon.
I think there's going to be like five different kitchens jumping with all kinds of goodies. I only hope that my cousin Bianca makes her "famous" peach cobbler.  I'm really looking forward.

If I'm not too stuffed LOL, I'll blog from Louisiana.

Till next time, Happy Thanksgiving and be safe!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sexy MJ Pictures--HISTORY!

Hey Y'all!

I became a Michael Jackson fanatic in 1995 when I was 9 years old. And 1995 was the first time I lived through an MJ era which was HIStory and I enjoyed it beczuse his look was so unique and he was so handsome. And I want to share some my fave pics of him from the era!

I like how dirty he is. It's such an offbeat look, especially paired with the shorter hair. I was in love as a child with this.

Michael with a stripper pole. I mean really, this is a thing of beauty. I wish I had a fistful of singles.
This is the sexiest shit in the world! Get it MIKE!

I'm not a tremendous fan of the blue and gold but that smile saves it.

I could simply die, this is gorgeous. I don;t know how some people could not see hsi beauty like I do.

That is one seriously chic look. *Dies*

InTheClosetHIStory Tour.jpg

Look at those EYES!

Well that's enough for now!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Near the End...

Hey Y'all.

Okay, so word on the street and the news is that very soon, perhaps at the end of the week, the Michael Jackson Murder Trial maybe coming to an end with a verdict being handed down.

And I have literally been sick with worry. I have a ton of really great and supportive friends who are MJ fans who have been patting after me and assuring me that Murray, that damned animal, that careless beast would go to jail. And I hope they are right. Because the world has lost an important member of society becase of him and I seriously think the world is out of balance since Michael's deaths. (what's up with all the hurricanes, tornadoes and other various disasters that we haven't seen an abundance of before. Hell, Denver had an 80 degree day and then SNOWFALL!)

I just really, have a clear cut intense passionate hate for Conrad Murray. I refuse to acknowledge him as a man or a doctor. He is a monster and Michael would have been in better hands if he'd let DR. J.  work on him! It's just ridiculous. I hope that sorry bastard goes to jail and is stuck in a cell with a lonely cellmate.
I feel very vey strongly because I loved Michael Jackson for 16 years and will continue to do so until I get called up to join him in Heaven.
As articulate as I am, I can't really put it into words or express what Michael Jackson means to me. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be alive. I'm stuck on dialysis and only ONLY ONLY agreed to it because my dad promised to take me to see Michael in concert with the This Is It tour came to America. Then that monkey-looking killed Michael 2 months later. Just long enough for me to get on dialysis and have all the surgery for it.
If it wasn't for that mongrel, I'd have probably see and even met Michael Jacskson with my best friends. Because I'd have taken my "Fab Four" (Me, Ebonie, Stacie and Gerald) with me. And my dreams with alot of other people's were all shot to shit because of that man. I hate him.

I hope he goes to jail. And I hope that somewhere a prisoner shanks him over Michael. Or a pudding cup or whatever is generally fought over in prison.

Michael's death is a crying shame and a needless death. I'll miss him forever.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Make Up Routine...

Hey Y'all.

Lately, I've noticed that I've been getting compliments and comments on my make up, and well, I've decided to post what I usually do in the morning to get ready and put my face on.

On most mornings, I'm on my way to dialysis and I literally only have a window of 30 minutes to get ready, that means everything--cleaned up, teeth brushed, and face on and clothes on. (Because I flat refuse to get up any sooner)
I usually wash my face with plain old soap--Carress soap because for some reason, it makes any little blemishes I have dry up and go away. Then I smooth on a tiny bit of Pond's skin moisturizer, because my skin onmy forehead tends to flake, and that keeps it from drying out and flaking.

Now for the cosmetics, and I move very quickly.
First, all over my fave, neck and decollatae, I use Black Radiance cream to powder, face powder.

And I just put it on with the little sponge applicator.

Then, because my eyes are usually the focus of my look, I use Urban Decay eyeshadow primer--even if I'm just wearing eyeliner, it keeps it from moving all day or creasing.

Eyeshadow Primer Potion Tube - Eden
Just a tiny bit lasts all day.

Then I take a black eyeliner pencil--whichever brand is cheapest, and I fill in my eye brows, because I get tweezer happy at times.

After that, I use two to three different eyeshadows, depending on what outfit I have on, and I really favor Cover Girl's shadows.

I'm nto afraid of color, as long as it looks good, I'll wear it.
Then I line my eyes, and top it off with Rimmel Mascara.

I apply the length first and then the volume.

I them use a big brush to put on Milani baked blush in Red Vino. I love this because it has gold flecks in it and really warms up my complexion.

Then to top it off I use my Revlon Colorstay lickstick. I have so many its silly, but I tend to stay with nuetral colors since I like my eyes bolder.

And I am officially out the door. That's my face! LOL!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Michael Jackson Trial So Far.

Hey Y’all.


Just like the rest of the nation for the last few days, I have been glued to the television, religiously watching the Michael Jackson Trial. (I flow between True TV and HLN for live coverage) I refuse to refer to it as the Conrad Murray Trial. He doesn’t deserve it. He was a nobody before he came along and fucked up the natural working and stream of the world by killing Michael Jackson.
Right now there is nothing more important in my life than watching the trial, learning the facts, and watching Murray visibly suffer on a daily basis.
I have to admit, through the religious watching of the trial coverage, I agree with a lot of my friends who are Michael Jackson fans in saying that it looks pretty much like an open and shut case, in Michael’s favor of course.
It doesn’t matter if Michael was abusing drugs, it doesn’t matter if he was a twenty year addict.
What matters was Michael trusted his life and treatment to a man who was far less qualified to work for Michael.
I think Michael’s son Prince, now a teenager, is actually more competent and qualified than Murray ever was. Especially since the child was one of the first people Murray yelled for when he found Michael’s lifeless body laying in bed after abandoning him to chat up one of his whores. I have learned that when Michael was found, his eyes and mouth were open.
This leads me to believe that as Michael was taking his last breaths, he was calling for help. FOR HELP. Maybe loudly, maybe weakly. No one knows as Murray was the only one closest to him on the second floor of his house.
From the word say jump it appears to me that Murray is a crook and idiot.
I really do hate to look on TV and see his emotionless, monkey looking face, just looking here and there and at times even appearing bored. He just doesn’t seem to grasp the magnitude of his actions and how many people he has destroyed and damaged. I’ve got friends right now who can’t even think of Michael Jackson without bursting into tears.
I don’t cry, and I haven’t cried since the day Michael died. I refuse to cry and give Murray the satisfaction of hurting me any further than he already has.
Murray can do the world a favor, by picking out a very tall building, and leaping from the roof of it.
It would save the taxpayers a lot of money and provide a lot of relief for the fans.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Eve of the Michael Jackson Trial

Tomorrow at approximately ten am, Conrad Murray, the murderer of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson goes on trial.


And the thing that’s really kind of grinding my gears and pissing me off is that so many people are talking about Conrad Murray. This trial is not about him. This trial, to me, is about Michael Jackson. It’s about how that tall, lanky bastard just stood by and let Michael die.
To me there’s only one thing they should be talking about--the few hours that were left leading up to Michael’s death. It doesn’t matter really if he had an addiction problem. And even if he did have a problem, it doesn’t phase me. Michael Jackson was a human being and human beings make mistakes. I bite my nails, and have bitten them since I’ve had teeth. People make mistakes.
What matters is that Murray gave Michael an anesthetic grade sedative and should have monitored him at all times instead of gallivanting off through the house. I’ve heard that Michael was already dead when he came back and found him.
It doesn’t matter if Michael had a past with that particular sedative. Michael had many cosmetic operations, I’m sure at some point, he asked what was being given to him to make him sleep during his procedures.
As a dialysis patient myself, I had to have surgery and right as they were giving me my sedative, I asked what it was. (I don’t remember what was said because I was knocked out before the doctor got done answering)
But the matter is, a man died needlessly. Michael Jackson was not only a singer and entertainer.
He was the father to three beautiful children, who don’t have a parent anymore. He was a brother to eight other people, who don’t have him any more. And he was the son to his parents, who have lost a second child now because of Murray’s negligence. (Michael’s brother, Marlon was a twin, who’s twin died right after they were born in 1957.)
This was a gross and awful and most importantly, AVOIDABLE!
Michael Jackson didn’t have to die. Right now, he should be on his This Is It Tour in London, shaking his booty, eating fish and chips and planning the American Leg of his tour.
Not keeping Elizabeth Taylor and Jean Harlow company at the Forest Lawn Cemetery!
Not yet. He was supposed to have lived to be old. He should have walked little Paris down the aisle when she got married and stood as Best Man at his sons’ weddings.
It’s really sad what has been taken away. I don’t even want to mention how the fan base has been hurt and thrown into turmoil over this.
I just hope the jury does what’s right and throw Murray’s black ass under the jailhouse.
And I also hope that at least one good fan gets a nice, solid punch to his jaw.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Two Chief Complaints

Hey Y’all. Now I’m not usually one to go on a rant, but after the day I’ve had, Lord, I’ve just got to.
It all started in dialysis where most of my complaints on a daily basis do start. Now in previous posts, I’ve mentioned that it’s takes getting two needles put in to receive treatment.
So today, yours truly got stabbed FOUR times because twice the damn needle went through the vein and it hurt like all hell of course. And I cried all my eye make up off. Thank God I didn’t have mascara on, or my eyes would have stung.
So now, my arm is all bruised and swollen and sore and the only cure they tend to offer you for some bullshit like that I put ice on it.
Well if they would have gotten the sticks right in the first place, then I wouldn’t need ice for anything except tp keep my soda cold!
Now the needles I could take--barely--but I could take them. The thing that really fired me up and upset me to the point of nausea, was about that quack masquerading as a doctor--Conrad Murray.
You remember him, that boot leather faced so and so who let Michael Jackson die.
Well my sources have told me--and the general media--that Murray is trying to sequester his jury (that means to put them in isolation from media coverage so that it doesn’t taint their decision) before his trial is set to start selection on Thursday.
Now here’s my pattern of thought on that. There isn’t a person in the Free World, who doesn’t know who in the hell he is or what it was he’s done.
As soon as Michael died, Murray’s face was splashed everywhere from here to the moon. So unless they can scare up someone who is cut off from the world--perhaps some of those people who live in compounds in Utah (who don’t associate with the rest of the world)--he’s got about a snowball’s chance in hell of not being before a jury of people who know him.
He’s just being absolutely ridiculous and running in circles because he knows he literally doesn’t have a leg to stand on. He’s knows he’s at fault and the guilt is eating him alive like a malignant cancer.
As it should well be.
I have no respect or sympathy for this man, and would tell him that to his face, if so given the opportunity.
I don’t even call him “doctor” because a doctor is supposed to be a person who looks after the well being of another and try to keep them healthy. Not sit on their big ass and leave them unattended and let them die.
I’m just saying, it’s a gross injustice and a slap to the face of any and everyone who ever liked or cared for Michael Jackson or any member of his family and his fans.
It’s right pitiful and I hope Michael gets his day in court. He had it in 2005 and I expect it again this time!
That is all...!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Soundtrack of my Life...

Hey Y'all!

I was asked by a friend to make a post about what kind of music I grew up with. So I'm going to post it to the best of my knowledge.

Now this may come as a shock to some people, but I wasn't always a wild eyed, twitter-hearted fan of Michael Jackson. There was actually a time before I even knew who he was.

I was brought up in church so I primarily heard gospel music all through my childhood and sang in the choir from the time I  was maybe 5 until I was about 20.
My father is also a huge fan of BB King and blues so there was alot of it playing in the background. I don't really like blues.

In the nine years before I discovered MJ, I was trying my best to fit in with the other children and listen to what they listened to. Beleive it or not I used to listen to rap. Of course that was before every line of it was filled with calling women all kinds of evil names.
I was in love with MC Hammer until he went bankrupt and enjoyed Will Smith and LLCoolJ and Coolio--Coolio was like the man when I was in grade school and everyone was singing "Gangsta's Paradise".
I think the reason why my tastes in music are so vastly different from others in my peer group is because, as an only child, I spent a great deal of time alone and outside of school, I really had no social contact with other people my age.
So basically I was rudderless and had no other child saying oh, "so and so is the hot thing, get this CD"
I was just the odd duck in a flock of pigs, it's not even a comparison, I was just out there.
I watched MTV alot and around my mid-teens, aside from Michael Jackson, I was into rock. and like that was my "rebellious" streak. I wore black clothing and black make up and wanted to be in a moshpit at a Limp Biscuit show.
Thank God I grew out of that. But I listened to alot of pop, Britney, Christina, Nsync, Backstreet Boys Kelly Clarkson,...That's what I played.
Overlapping with this was my love of 80s music.

The way I got into 80s music was kind of as a mistake. in 1999, BET was running old videos and I was losing my mind watching Michael and Prince and Debarge and Evelyn Champange King and the Mary Jane Girls and all these really great people and at 13 my thought pattern was: 
And thus began the Exodus. 
I started just finding best of compilations by other artists and picking out songs and soundtracks and music from the 80s I like. 
(I do like doo-wop from the 50/60s and disco--I'm an old soul in a younger bondy) 
And that's just what I like to listen to.

I just don't like newer acts and they don't excite me the way MJ or Prince do.
Like Michael's been in Heaven for two years and if I find a new picture or a new performancce I'm so excited and sharing it with my friends who in turn get excited too.
And with the new kids, I could care less. LOL.

That's my music history in a nutshell.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Michael Jackson Doll Collection

Hi Y'all.

As you know, I have been a die-hard fan of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson for over 16 years and over the years I have acquired quite a few pieces of memorobilia regarding him. Some of my favorite pieces in my collection are my Michael Jackson dolls. I waited so long and searched so hard to find them, and really, I love them almost like they're my own children. LOL.

This is the oldest doll in the collection. My original, LVN Michael Jackson Beat It doll from 1984 that was realeased during the Jackson's Victory tour. My mother boughtthis for me for Christmas of 1999 and I was just in awe when I unwrapped the gift and found Michael. He had been shipped in all the way from New York for me, which was a big deal because I had never had anything really shipped in for me before other than pageant clothes. It was very exciting because no one else I knew had a Michael doll and I felt like a genuine fan having the doll. (I also got a Billie Jean 1984 doll the following Christmas in a black "leather" suit, but he isn't pictured because a few years ago, I unfoutiunately broke his leg--but I refuse to throw him away. You don't throw Michael Jackson away)

My next MJ doll, I saved up for and bought myself. From about the time I was fourteen I wanted a "white/light skinned" Michael Jackson doll. I mean I was pleased with the brown skinned ones my mother got me, but I really wanted one that reflected what Michael Jackson currently looked like. For years and years I coveted the French "Black or White" doll that came out in 1997 during Michael's HIStory tour. I loved that doll and thought it was perfect because, except for the silver eyeshadow, it looked EXACTLY like Michael Jackson. After eleven years of wanting the doll, I was finally able to get him on eBay from a seller in London, England. He is such a treasure and is my favorite doll.
He was also the least expensive doll--under 100 dollars!--and so he was a steal for me. He's the only doll I have that has "real" hair.

His eyes are able to move, but I would have to remove the back of his head to do that so his eyes are going to stay straight!

The next Michael doll I bought came from the furthest away--Hong Kong, China (yes, I search all over the globe for MJ things I want, it doesn't matter as long as I am able to get it) It is a fairly new doll, coming out in 2010 shortly after Michael's passing. It is Michael in his Bad video costume (it also came with the clothes to make it a Dirty Diana Michael, but I would have to dismember it to change the clothing) It really is remarkable how something so tiny can have so much detail to it and truly resemble Michael Jackson as he appeared in 1987. IT has everthing down to the belts and buckles and zippers on his clothing. I had serious buyer's remorse for WEEKS after purchasing the little guy, but I eventually got over it and am proud I own him.

One other doll I have is not exactly Michael Jackson, but is connected to him.
At the same time I recieved my Billie Jean doll, my mother also bought me an Elizabeth Taylor doll. I had seen her in the store while we were shopping, just once time in the store, and  I made some remark like aww, that'd go so cute with my MJ doll. And my mother, bless her heart, went back and got the doll for me. The only reason I really wanted the Liz doll was because I knew she was Michael's best friend. I had never seen any of her movies at the time or anything. But it's nice to have the doll and I keep her and BW MJ doll in the same box--it seemed right to put the two friends together. And once again, it is an uncanny likeness to the late actress.

And that's my collection. More next time.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Miami Vice (TV Show)

Hey Y'all!

At first, I wanted to do a post on all the 80s tv shows I like and trust me there's like dozens of them, but I wanted to dedicate a post to probably the most influential 80s show that I love. (And surprise to my BF, it's not The Facts of Life!)

It's Miami Vice!

I was about 12 when my whole deal with the 80s started and MV really helped to solidfy that for me. MV used to come on everyday during the week on FX at 6 pm and I don't care what was going on--eating dinner, house burning down--I wasn't moving while that show was on. I don't think Michael Jackson dancing in a thong could have moved me. That's just how into the show I was.
I liked MV because it was a really well written cop drama---well up untilt he last 2 seasons when Crockett got all crazy and lost his mind and stuff.
And the fashion was out of bounds.

For those of you unfamilliar with the premise of the show it stars Don Johnson as Sonny Crockett, a laid back and loose vice detective working in Miami. It also stars Philip Michael Thomas, a transplant form New York City, who is more straight laced and how the men generally bump heads but come together long enough to catch the pimps and drug pushers.
My whole entire nightlife revolved around Philip Michael Thomas, whom I was mad about, and what he would wear--usually a really hot and put together Armani number. On several occasions since he was in Florida, it was optimum that he came out his clothes and into a swimsuit and I was a little put off because he was hairy as Prince or David Hassellhoff, but I later learned that the 80s were the decade of the hairy man and every one looked pretty much like they were in a cheapo porno.
(Michael Jackson kind of spoiled me, being practically hairless in brief moments when he was scantily clad)
Like I was saying about the fashion. I am just into really strange, crazy and oddball peices that are cool and I saw so many things on Miami Vice that spoek to me.
I mean, Don Johnson was running around in a peach blazer, white mesh top and khaki, with white loafers and no socks, and that BS mess worked! IT worked! It looked GOOD! (And in the 80s for a minute that was THE look!)
And PMT, I remember one good episode from the first season. He and Don were going to a bank robbery and the camera was far off from them. And I remember you could see his white shoes liek glowing against his black pinstripe suit. Men don't dress like that anymore where you're taken aback and saying "Dang, that man looks sharp!"

I just liked PMT because I just naturally like well dressed men. I dont' really go for this hip hop, hood rat, pants hanging off the ass crack that some men go for. Why would I want a sloppy looking man? I'm not a sloppy looking woman. I feel naked without my make up!
Also on MV there were often alot of guest stars who were great musical acts. My favorite episode that I've seen so far is from season 2 and has El Debarge performing in a club. I wanted to faint. It was too perfect. An 80s club with Aquanet int he air, PMT and ED? Are you kidding? And PMT was breakdancing. It was PERFECT!

I have the whole series on DVD and I plan to get past the El Debarge episode, but it's so good.
But like I said the whole seiries was good. I wanted to be a vice cop when i watched this. I wanted to dress up and carry the heat and bust the baddies with them. It was a part of my childhood I'll always like and cherish. Because for one hour a day, it was the 80s and I reveled in it!

PMT now. Can you beleive the brother is 62 years old? I mean REALLY! He must be with Prince on that Fountain of Youth stuff!

Don Johnson didn't turn out too badly either. Perhaps a little plumper, but still a charmer. (And heck, if you live to be in your 60s, you got the right to eat all the crap and fatty stuff you want!)

Till next time!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The 80s!

Hey Y'all!

Ever since I was about 12 years old, I have had an unending, happy love affair with the 1980s and everything to do with it. I know that it absolutely all started with Michael Jackson. I had only been a fan of him for three years at the time, but I was really all about learning what I could about him and getting my hands on his music by any means I could muster.
And when I was 12, I started learning about the Thriller album and how it literally took over the damn world.

For a solid three months, I was on a Thriller bender. If you walked into my house, you'd swear it was 1983 because the Thriller videos were ALWAYS playing and the album too.
It kind of spawned off from that. I started mainly with people associated with Michael. Like Brooke Shields, I started looking at her movies. I saw Blue Lagoon and Pretty Baby. (PB really wrecked me at 12. I shouldn't have seen it that young) And I also got my hands on Prince's movie Purple Rain, on a whim, because my friend at the time was OBSESSED with Prince.
And Purple Rain changed my life.
when I saw Prince going wild with his guitar and all the club people in the cool outfits, I was like "Why the HELL was I born so late?" I mean I really think that the 80s and its creativeness and stuff is in the vein with what I like.

Apollonia Kotero

And I really liked Apollonia, she seemed so cool in the movie--she's one of my coolest Facebook friends now--and I really liked her style. Now I don't have the nerve to rock lingerie in public, but I liked the real clothes she wore, and I would in a heartbeat, throw on anything that she had worn because it was so unique.
I even dressed as Apollonia for Halloween last year--and the REAL Apollonia liked it!

I totally loved doing that kind of make up. It took a LONG time to put it all on, but it was perfect and my boyfriend nearly had a stroke when he saw me!
That's what I like most about the 80s. Like everyone looked sexy without really even meaning to, with the big hair and bold make up. I love to style myself in that way. I don't get to do it too often, but when I do it, I do it BIG.

I also like the music fromt he decade. I love everyone--Lionel Richie, Debarge,Guy, Vanessa Williams, Debbie Gibson, you name it. Music was great then, none of this watered down, Justin Beieber warbling crap that passes on the Top 40 now. People were masters of thier craft and did cool things.

Well, that's enough for now. I think I'll devote my next blog to the tv shows of the 80s I love. And there's ALOT!