Saturday, May 5, 2012

Butter Saved My Life!

I know it sounds completely weird, but it is SO true. Butter literally saved my freaking life today.

Earlier today, I made myself a late lunch of baked cod fish and macaroni and cheese.

So when I pulled the fish out, I stuck it on a plate and went into my room to start eating it. I got maybe three bites in and realized that even though it tasted good and was seasoned well--with lemon and pepper--it was a bit too dry. I had forgotten to baste the fish with butter while it cooked.

I decided to go back into the kitchen and get a couple pats of butter for my fish.

So I went back in my room and started to butter the fish when I saw it.

A BIG HUGE BLACK SPIDER! Just crawling along the comforter like he owned the place.

I screamed like Michael Jackson had suddenly come back to life. I mean I haven’t screamed like that in years.

I was yelling for my dad to come kill it. He finally came and mashed that damn thing for me and threw it away.

It wasn’t until I sat down and got to thinking.

If I had never gotten up for the butter, that spider might have bitten me and even killed me! It looked like it might have been a Black Widow or something.

It really scared the hell outta me. There’s 71 days left before I see the Jacksons and dammit, I wanna see them in good health, not on a stretcher!

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