Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Make Up Routine...

Hey Y'all.

Lately, I've noticed that I've been getting compliments and comments on my make up, and well, I've decided to post what I usually do in the morning to get ready and put my face on.

On most mornings, I'm on my way to dialysis and I literally only have a window of 30 minutes to get ready, that means everything--cleaned up, teeth brushed, and face on and clothes on. (Because I flat refuse to get up any sooner)
I usually wash my face with plain old soap--Carress soap because for some reason, it makes any little blemishes I have dry up and go away. Then I smooth on a tiny bit of Pond's skin moisturizer, because my skin onmy forehead tends to flake, and that keeps it from drying out and flaking.

Now for the cosmetics, and I move very quickly.
First, all over my fave, neck and decollatae, I use Black Radiance cream to powder, face powder.

And I just put it on with the little sponge applicator.

Then, because my eyes are usually the focus of my look, I use Urban Decay eyeshadow primer--even if I'm just wearing eyeliner, it keeps it from moving all day or creasing.

Eyeshadow Primer Potion Tube - Eden
Just a tiny bit lasts all day.

Then I take a black eyeliner pencil--whichever brand is cheapest, and I fill in my eye brows, because I get tweezer happy at times.

After that, I use two to three different eyeshadows, depending on what outfit I have on, and I really favor Cover Girl's shadows.

I'm nto afraid of color, as long as it looks good, I'll wear it.
Then I line my eyes, and top it off with Rimmel Mascara.

I apply the length first and then the volume.

I them use a big brush to put on Milani baked blush in Red Vino. I love this because it has gold flecks in it and really warms up my complexion.

Then to top it off I use my Revlon Colorstay lickstick. I have so many its silly, but I tend to stay with nuetral colors since I like my eyes bolder.

And I am officially out the door. That's my face! LOL!

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