Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sexy MJ Pictures--THRILLER!

Hey Y'all!

In an earlier post, I showed off some of the pictures of MJ from the HIStory era that I thought were smoking hot. And now I'm back with some from an earlier time--THRILLER!

Now Thriller, unfortunately, was a little before my time, but as a Michael Jackson fan, I have a deep love and appreciation for the album, though BAD is my fave MJ album. And as an 80s fanatic, I loved the style and how cute Michael looked and just used to dream of him as a kid. He was so beautiful. The only thing I hate is that people think Michael looked ugly as he got older and his appearance changed and I DON'T. I love and adore Michael at all aspects of his life, from when he was a kid, to an acne-riddled teen to a grown man. Okay, enough chit-chat. I'll make with the pictures.

ThrillerEraGroupZZ (95).jpg

I'd have to be a damned fool to not include a picture of Michael from when he won he record breaking EIGHT grammy awards in 1984, Before MJ, I never knew what a Grammy was. And now, well with him gone, I don't care about the show either. But for 16 years in the middle, I cared and always cheered when he won, one. This outfit is stunning and the colors are so complimentary to Michael. It is teal, and I don't see Michael in teal often. He also wore this jacket to the White House to meet Ronald Reagan the same year.


Michael at the 1984 American Music Awards. This look is so special because it's one of the rare times you see Michael with BLACK glove instead of a white one. I heard he had a bunch of different colored gloves made up, but ultimately settled on the white one that's synonymous with his Billie Jean performance.

I am obsessed with this jacket. Hands down one of my top Michael Jackson looks in his LIFETIME. I remember my jaw just hanging in awe when I first saw this jacket. And it is the only piece of Michael Jackson owned memorobilia that I actually tried to buy when it went to auction. The jacket was 12 thousand dollars and I literally scrambled trying to find things to pawn and sell. If my father had let me see his damn car....I might own that coat. But I love it for how intricate it is. Michael always seemed to wear works of art. And that piece is a 50 pound jacket, nearly half Michael total body weight.
So sexy I could scream!

This is actually on the inside of the gatefold Thriller album and I really think it should have been the cover. It just smolders with sexuality and the innocence that was Michael Jackson at the age of 23. Travolta may have started the white suit, but Michael made it something special.

It;s remarkable to me how Michael's most iconic look--the Billie Jean ensemble--was basically made of a bunch of recycled garments. His sequinned jacket belonged to his mother, his shiny shirt had been worn in 1981 on a special with Diana Ross. The glove had debuted on the 1981 Triumph tour, along with the socks I beleive and who knew how old the loafers were.  But it all combined together to look perfect and gorgeous and I swear when I first saw it I thought it was all brand new. And it kinda was. And it was just a watershed moment in human history. A star was created.
Michael Jackson.

Well, that's enough for now...more next time! LOL!

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