Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Interesting Michael Jackson/Jacksons Dream

Hey Y'all!

It's not often that I have a dream about Michael Jackson or his brothers, but when I do, I like to blog it to document it and keep track of it. And this was one of those dreams that begged to be blogged.

The dream started in this big arena, and it seemed like the Jacksons--Marlon, Tito, Jackie and Jermaine--were finishing up one of thier Unity Tour concerts.  It was the older Jacksons, and from the way it looked, they were all greeting and hugging this woman. She looked like royalty, you know in furs and crown and all, but it was NOT Queen Elizabeth. I was standing right behind them.

They looked alot like this in my dream.
I remember I came up behind Jermaine, because he hugged the woman first, of course, and I heard him say he was glad he hugged her and got it over with, because he didn'tlike her to start with. I patted him on the back, laughing, and hugged him, from behind
I reckon I hugged him from behind, because JJ has ass for months.
What tickled me was he was wearing a white shirt like pictures above and I pressed my face into his back and I saw that my black eyeliner came off on his back!
I went through and hugged the rest, and the best was Marlon, because he stopped long enough to kiss me. And he looked amazing too!

How do I say no to that? Marlon can kiss me until our lips bleed!!!
This is where it gets different, I hugged Jackie and Tito last and as I was hugging Tito, a few feet away, Michael appeared. And what was so amazing was that he was actually dressed and coordinated with his brothers, looking like this:

White glittering jacket, just like it had been designed for the Unity Tour with the short hair like in the New York shows from 2001. I don't know if I was subconciously adding Michael to the Unity Tour where he belonged or not.
But Michael had a microphone and was announcing he wanted children onstage, to help him sing Heal The World. As he spoke, I waved at him over Tito's shoulder and he waved back.
And kids did start flooding around him, and what was funny was my friend Stacie was there, with my godson--and her son--Leon, and as she went by with him, she pulled me along, and handed her son TO Michael Jackson. Michael held the boy and continued singing and we squished close to him, singing along too and admiring him.
And then I woke up.
But it was fun to me that at least for one night, ALL of the Jacksons were reunited (no one really wants to see Randy, at least I don't in my dreams...) and they were performing together, the way they should be.
It was nice.

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