Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How to BEAT The Baby Powder Challenge...

Hey Y'all,

As I like to frequent Youtube, I've become aware of this phenomenon wherein people take on the "challenge" of eating some substance, else in a spoon or in thier hand, etc. The Cinnamon Challenge, The Powdered Sugar Challenge, The Cornstarch Challenge...and some stuff that shouldn't even be EATEN.

That brings me to the Baby Powder Challege. I've seen a countless number of fools trying this on Youtube, all with the exception of Shoenice, having epic fails.

Now no normal human being will eat an entire DAMN bottle of powder and live--this man must be a superhero without a cape or something. And I suggest that no one else attempt that.
But if you want to beat the challenge and post a video to gloat to your buddies, PLEASE, do the following:
If you insist on eating the powder, TASTE IT FIRST. I've seen plenty of people whining and crying about the flavor of the powder. First of all powder goes on your ass, not in your mouth. But criminy, taste is first. Build up a tolerence to the taste is possible. This may take an amount of time.
And then there is the technique.
You are putting a powdered substance in your mouth. Do NOT tilt your damn head back, you will choke. Do NOT try to inhale/exhale through your mouth with the powder in your mouth. YOU WILL AXPHIXIATE, BREATHE IT INTO YOUR LUNGS AND DIE MISERABLY WITH LUNGS FILLING WITH FLUID.
What you do is this, pour desired amount of powder in hand/spoon, put it in your mouth. Immediately tilt your head forward. This will take the powder away from the throat/windpipe, and you can take a few shallow breaths THROUGH YOUR NOSE! NOT YOUR MOUTH! NOSE! NOSE! NOSE!
There's a nose with Michael Jackson attatched to it, so you remember. And I put Michael Jackson here, because it's my blog, and I wanted him in it. *coy smile*
You will produce saliva. Allow it to moisten/dampen the powder until it has the consistency of pancake batter. Swallow it.
Yay, you did it dingbat, and you're still alive! Did you film it? Film it and brag out as one of the few to beat the challenge.
I HAVE beat the challenge. And I'm still kicking. You're welcome.

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