Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Horror For October....


Hey Guys and Ghouls,

Well, it's that time of year again. It is officially October and you all know what means: Halloween is just around the corner! And the last few weeks, I have been putting down ideas for various MJ horror stories in preparation for it. I hope to write 3 to 4 new horror stories and have them up not only on my blog but also at the MJJUltimate fan forum.

Halloween is coming and let's not forget to add the Thriller to it. I want to touch on several different eras with MJ. Unlike my eroticas where I have to have Michael as an adult, with my horror stories, it's much looser, and I can have him as a child. In fact, a story I'm working on--I'm about 4 pages into it--concerns a very young Michael Jackson. I'm not going to disclose what he's going to do or what's going to happen to him because I'm not the type to spoil my stories ahead of time.

But I can guarantee this: Your electric bill might go up--you will sleep with the lights on! LOL.

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