Hi! First of all I want to say thank you for reading my blog and welcome to it. My name is Tiffie B., and this is my first post here on blogger. My blog will be sort of a catch-all for all of my interests, including, but not limited to, Michael Jackson, my involvement in beauty pageants, and my interest in classic films and classic film stars.
But first of all, a few tidbits about me, your author.
I am twenty-five years old and have lived in Texas all my life. I started my "career" in pageants when I was just five years old and over the years, I've competed in at least 100 pageants and have won many titles and crowns. I love pageants. When I'm not competing in a pageant somewhere, I'm usually out on the hunt for more Michael Jackson collectibles to add to my collection. I have been a fan of The King of Pop since I was nine years old and can't imagine a day of my life with out his music. He's been a large part of my life and will continue to be as along as I live.
Classic films are a thing for me that started when I was about twelve. They just don't make great good solid movies like they did back in the heyday of films (1930-1960s) and I'd much rather sit and watch a Better Davis film over anything un theatres today.
Well, that's just an opener for me, and I will be elaborating on my favorite topics and other topics that tickle my fancy in future posts.
Thanks for reading!
Tiffie B.
Yay Tiffie, I can't wait to read more of your blogs. =)