It's that time of the year again, where the weather turns cold and year is nearing its end. And while most people get glassy eyed and moist mouthed about the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. It's a time of feasting and family and camaraderie and memory-making. The sort of thing that makes a person misty in their twilight years...
At least, that's what I assume for OTHER people, anyway.
Since three am this morning, it's been nothing but work for me. Well, since yesterday if want to get technical about it.
I don't like my extended family, and would prefer to stay as far away from them as humanly possible. So I do not spend holidays with them anymore. (I used to when my mother was alive, but that was years ago) They're the kind of people that if I were walking down the street and saw them on the same sidewalk, I would not only cross the street, but go about two blocks over just to avoid them.
But that's another story.
I hate holidays and have because since I was about 15 or 16, or maybe even younger, who the hell really knows, I have been responsible for all the major meals for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. Not one dish--ooh look, Tiff baked a pie--the ENTIRE meal.
And this year was no different. It was borne out of necessity years ago because my mother was a diabetic with no legs and could only sit and instruct me on what to cook. If dad were left to cook--I have a better chance of Michael Jackson coming to the door with a covered dish than dad trying to cook.
So, if I want to eat, I have to cook. No one is going to come and bring us plates of food, unless they want something, My family is one that moves in ulterior motives. They don't do anything out of the goodness of their hearts, its just not in them; perhaps it was bred out of them, I don't know. but if they come around and no one is in a casket, I get suspicious. My "spidey-senses" go to tingling.
And this year, I didn't even get to eat really, what I wanted to eat.
Because dad only has a few teeth and has trouble chewing, I couldn't buy a ham like I usually do--plus as a dialysis patient myself, this was frowned on--I had to buy tripe to cook.
Pull yourself together, it's supposed to look like that. No one ask me how I screwed up and managed to buy SIX POUNDS of that mess by mistake.
And I tried to make some decent sides with, a green bean casserole, some spiced stuffing, an apple pie, some biscuits. ( And dad very conveniently said he didn't want the damn casserole or the stuffing and I almost threw a large cooking spoon at him.)
Now, as I stated earlier, my day started at 3 am. Don't be fooled, there's Jacksons I wouldn't get up that early for.]But if you can wrap your mind around it, I had dialysis THIS MORNING at 5:30 am.
Because I refused to let them steal my Friday from me to do two back to back treatments.
I was mainlining coffee this morning, and was still so tired--I did NOT sleep the night before at all, my body is unaccustomed to going to bed at 10 or 11 at night--I didn't even put my makeup on!
So I get to dialysis and its so early its still black out, I'm SURE that all will be quiet and most of the people will be sleeping.
i have a cousin, Mary Louise, who also takes dialysis with me, because apparently, tragedy loves my family, was seated next to me. I get about 10 pages into my book, when i suddenly hear Tyler Perry's character Madea speaking.
Not mutedly or softly, but just as loudly as if Madea had waddled her fat, gender-bending self in there. Mary Louise had a portable DVD player and was playing her shit as loudly as if she were the only one in the room.
After trying to read for a while, I said fuck it, closed the book and plugged my headphones into my TV to try to watch a movie. Burt Lancaster was on. I'm not nutty about him but i could tolerate him that early in the morning.
The film, The Young Savages was about a murder involving some Puerto Rican and Italian Harlem hoods. And it was a REALLY GOOD film. And I BARELY HEARD it for my cousin's fucking noise.
I tried a few times to bring myself to ask her to turn it down, but as tired as i was it would have come out,
TURN THAT GOD DAMNED BULLSHIT OFF! So i kept my mouth closed. I don't know how she could be so ignorant to not care about anyone else there, that she might have been disturbing them. I play MJ almost constantly in there, you don't hear him unless you're on top of me.
It was ridiculous. i was supposed to sit in for three hours, but after only two, i threw in the towel. I couldn't do it. i was up and had been up so long.
They made me sign a little paper and I very distinctly remember writing,
"You trying staying awake over 18 hours and then having to go cook an entire meal alone. Have a pleasant day!"
And i brought my ass out of there and went home. Took my clothes off and went to bed for about 4 hours. i was still tired when i got up. But food wasn't going to magically appear.
The biggest part of the work is done now, but this is why i dread the holidays. I'm doing it alone.
And guess what, i get to repeat it NEXT MONTH for Christmas and New Years.
I need a drink.